Payment methods in Edgemesh are grouped by Organizations -- every organization can have multiple payment method options.
Changing your payment method is very simple in Edgemesh:
Login in to Edgemesh, and select the Organization you wish to modify. Then simply select the settings options on the left hand side navigation side.
Once in the settings view, select the Billing tab, and you will be able to view all of your billing information for that organization.
In the Payment Method section of the Billing Tab, you can select "Add New Payment Method" to add an additional payment method to this organization (such as a credit card.)
After adding a new payment method to an organization, it will automatically become the "Default Payment Method" -- this is the payment method that will be used for all subscriptions, unless you specify the subscription specifically to use a different payment method.
You may also easily change the default payment method, or remove a payment method, by accessing the sub-options of the payment method. Please note, you may not remove the last payment method of an active subscription, without having an alternative payment method available. If you wish to remove all payments methods, please make sure to cancel any active subscriptions you may have that are using this payment method.