The 2022 Ultimate Guide to Website Speed and Optimization

How a 0.1 second improvement in 4 speed metrics can improve progression rates across the full purchase funnel. At Edgemesh, the pre-caching engine focuses EXACTLY on optimizing these deeper customer journeys (and multiple customer touchpoints). As customers move deeper through the its experience, the pre-caching engine ensures most content has near 0 latency - leading to dramatically lower page loadtime and across all metrics.

Google and Deliotte Study

The new study Milliseconds Make Millions reveals the significant impact of mobile site speed on consumers' willingness to spend money and engage with brands online. The results shows that even a 0.1 second improvement in load times can improve progression rates across the full purchase funnel. There was also a positive impact on pageviews, conversion rates, and average order value. The results underline that rising customer expectations and increasing use of smartphones are amplifying the need for mobile speed. The competitive gap will widen between brands who provide great mobile experiences and those who don't.


With a 0.1s improvement in site speed across the measured metrics, study participants observed an increase in progression rates (percentage of users moving from a webpage through to the next step of a conversion funnel) on almost every step of the mobile journey. In particular, there was an increase of 3.2% from Product Listing Page to Product Detail Page, and a 9.1% increase from Product Details Page to Add To Basket Page. Retail consumers also spent 9.2% more, a dramatic uplift.

Detailed description of how progression rates were affected for retail sites.          Homepage to Product Listing page: -0.5%. Product Listing page to Product Details page: 3.2%.          Product Details page to Add To Basket page: 9.1%. Add To Basket page to Basket page: 0.1%. Basket page to          Checkout page: 3.9%. Checkout to Order page: 4.7%.


Out of all verticals studied, the impact for luxury verticals was the highest. One should bear in mind, however, that the progression rates on luxury sites tend to be quite small. The progression rates to Contact Us Page increased by 20.6% when the site speed metrics were improved by 0.1 seconds, and there was a significant 40.1% increase in users moving from Product Detail Page to Add To Basket page. Longer sessions were also recorded through the entire browsing journey.

Detailed description of how progression rates were affected for luxury sites.          Homepage to Product Listing page: 4.0%. Product Listing page to           Product Details page: 15.8%. Product Details page to Add To Basket: 40.1%.

Why Speed MattersWhy Speed MattersWhy Speed MattersWhy Speed Matters
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