Bokksu boosted PageSpeed scores by 86 points

Faster Time to First Byte
Faster Response Time
Faster Request Time

The challenge

Accelerating a Custom Shopify Store

In 2015, Bokksu founder Danny Taing got his company off the ground by creating a Shopify store and packing orders in his New York City living room. Bokksu has since gained over 40,000 subscribers and successfully raised a round of Series A funding.

Danny attributes a lot of his solo bootstrapping success to Shopify. The platform allowed him to add applications with functionality like email, SMS, push notifications, analytics, and wish lists without requiring much custom code.

But as a fast-growing startup, Bokksu increased in complexity every year. And the more apps and SKUs the team added, the worse the site performed. Pages took 3 or 4 seconds to load on a good day, which Danny knew would ultimately hurt conversions. In his hunt for solutions, Danny decided going headless wasn’t an option. Aside from the high costs, Bokksu would also need a robust in-house development team as well as giving up all the benefits of Bokksu’s Shopify applications and ecosystem.

Year over year, our site performance got worse and worse, and loading time took longer. We had a lot of technical debt that had built up over time. But going headless wasn’t for us.

The solution

Improved Performance Without Switching Platforms

Edgemesh was unlike anything Danny had previously seen on the market. The product would allow him to achieve headless performance, while still supporting his Shopify applications and workflow.

After just a 10 minutes onboarding process to get Edgemesh working, Danny saw immediate improvements to his site speed. He was impressed with the pre-caching capabilities to preload and speed up the user experience, especially on mobile. 

Since Danny had previously been using a different acceleration tool that was more expensive and hadn’t delivered results, his decision to switch to Edgemesh was an easy one.

Danny also liked the fact that Edgemesh is always pushing new features — like Ad Protect — and finding ways to improve the product. And he had total confidence that if any issues arose, the Edgemesh team was ready and available to lend a supporting hand.

I thought the Edgemesh technology was really superior and innovative. And I’ve never worked with a team that actually cares this much and is giving it their all, working around the clock.

The median request time improved is 4.2 times faster (from 405ms to 95ms).

Real time Pagespeed Insights

The Results

A Faster Site, Primed for More Conversions

Thanks to Edgemesh, Bokksu has seen significant improvements to site speed.

Danny also reported that Edgemesh exceeded his expectations when it came to Google PageSpeed. Since using Edgemesh, Bokksu’s score has shot up from 4 on desktop and 15 on mobile to anywhere from 80 to 90. And he knows that speed is bound to impact overall conversions. 

Most importantly, using Edgemesh has given Danny peace of mind. Before, he was hyper-focused on Bokksu’s site speed and performance. Now, with Edgemesh he and his team have freed up energy to focus on doing what they do best — growing Bokksu’s brand, content, and community to drive the business forward.

When the site loads faster, it’s going to increase conversion rates. That’s been proven, and it’s what we’re banking on with Edgemesh.

Want to learn how Edgemesh can help you?

See for yourself how Edgemesh can help you leverage speed to drive a better shopper experience and stronger business results.
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