The Ultimate Ecommerce Performance Solution Awaits.
Get started with out our fast and comprehensive white glove onboarding. Let our experienced and seasoned engineers do all the heavy lifting, be up and running in just a few days, at a fraction of the cost of legacy solutions.

Who Edgemesh® Server is For

Edgemesh® Server is an ideal solution for eCommerce businesses seeking to improve their storefront without being restricted by their current platform provider. In the past, this often meant leaving behind the platform's features and creating a custom "headless" front end.

Edgemesh® Server offers the speed and adaptability of a headless design while preserving the everyday functionality of your existing storefront. This means that your daily developer tasks, such as updating content, prices, and merchandising, remain unchanged. Additionally, Edgemesh® unlocks new features like edge security, edge routing, and enhanced performance.

With easy and rapid deployment, Edgemesh® ensures a quick and efficient setup process. Seamless integration allows you to enjoy the benefits of improved website speed and performance without making major changes to your existing infrastructure. Ultimately, this leads to a better user experience, as customers can enjoy a faster and smoother browsing experience.

The best part is that Edgemesh® is compatible with your existing store and all of its third-party applications.

Edgemesh is so ideally situated. Actually going headless is a months long project that requires hours of development and essentially rebuilding your site. Edgemesh works out of the box.

Kyle Brucculeri
VP of Ecommerce

Without Edgemesh, I don't think we would have scaled as far as we have...we would've seen the pain of scaling two years ago, because of the amount of traffic we received.

Darren Crawford

What I like about Edgemesh is that we didn't have to make a lot of changes to our website. With a little bit of code adjustment - a really minor amount - we flipped a switch and now have the same benefits and controls that we were looking for with headless.

Jeremy Thurswell

Kaged improved conversion rate by 23%

“We've seen tremendous improvements in conversion rate and site speed since using Edgemesh.”
Nate Hampel
Director of eCommerce
Easy & Rapid Deployment

Our white glove onboarding is fast and efficient, allowing you to be up and running in days, not months. Our expert engineers guide you through the entire process, tailoring the solution to your specific needs and ensuring a smooth deployment.

Seamless Integration

There's no need to rewrite your site or make major changes to your existing infrastructure. Our solution seamlessly integrates with your current workflow and infrastructure, so you can start seeing the benefits of improved website speed and performance right away.

Better User Experience

Our innovative technology is designed to optimize website performance, ensuring that customers have a seamless and fast browsing experience. With our comprehensive solutions, you can improve website speed, reduce bounce rates, increase conversions, and ultimately drive revenue growth.

Boost Core Web Vitals

Edgemesh® Server improves your Core Web Vitals by optimizing the delivery of your website's assets, including images, CSS, and JavaScript files. By utilizing edge caching and A.I.-powered optimizations, Edgemesh® Server reduces the time it takes for your website to load and become interactive.


Improve Page Delivery Speed

Edgemesh® Server utilizes an extensive edge network across 280 cities in 100% countries, which allows for lightning-fast page delivery performance. With servers located closer to end-users, content can be served with reduced latency and improved performance. This results in faster page load times and an overall improved user experience for customers.


Upgrade SEO With Pre-Render

With Edgemesh® Server, your pages are automatically pre-rendered to static HTML, serving them to search engine crawlers, allowing them to index and rank your pages faster. This leads to better search engine visibility and higher organic traffic to your site.